It's Christmas Eve, but there's a hold on the delivery of Christmas gifts.
A vile and evil monster is scaring Santa's reindeers away from their job.
Time is of the essence if the world's children are to wake up happy on Christmas morning.
So, once again Mpenzi Munro and her shapeshifting bodyguard, Felix, are called upon in the fight of good against evil. Penzi's reluctant to get involved at first. She wants to stay home and share in the French tradition of a midnight family dinner, but Felix reminds her that a witch has to do what a witch has to do. Of course, Penzi accepts the task and does her best with the help of the High Council of the Guild of White Witches.
This story is not a who-dunnit like the other stories in the series, but is rather a tale of how-to-do-it to a nasty monster. Although part of the series, it is a stand-alone novella and is a story suitable for reading to or with children. However, the vocabulary is set at an adult level so children may need some simplification, which leads to fun between parent and child at Christmastime.
If you love stories about witches, magic, and talking cats and dogs, all spiced up with a dollop of danger, you'll love following along with Mpenzi and Felix, her shape-shifting sidekick, as they fight the good fight against evil in the small French seaside town of Beaucoup-sur-Mer.