In more than 20 years helping leaders and athletes reach their true potential, renowned sports psychologist and culture coach Dr. Pippa Grange has found that even the most successful people experience fears of inadequacy. What sets them apart is their ability to pinpoint their fears and "turn down the volume."
In Fear Less, Grange walks you through the process of identifying and facing the fears that manifest in perfectionism, jealousy, self-criticism, and harsh judgment, and replacing those fears with acceptance, purpose, passion, or laughter―to name just a few. And she provides effective fear-management techniques for facing moments of critical pressure, including:
Fear Less gives you the tools you need to practice your responses to fear in the same way elite athletes train for and perform at a big game―with equally dramatic results. You'll gain the knowledge and insight you need to change your perspective and move beyond fear to a place of joy, fulfillment, and meaning.