All of the tradeoffs in competing economic systems—capitalism, socialism, and communism—are controversial. These systems and ideologies have undeniably shaped the way people view both the world today and modern history. But where does capitalism begin and socialism end? In short, it's about choice and compromise. Understanding and endeavoring to solve these perpetual dilemmas is the job of comparative economics. By looking at the many economies around the world—their histories, their failures and successes—comparative economics attempts to uncover the influences, systems, and decisions that can do the most good for the most people. Guiding you through this complex web of values and theories is Edward F. Stuart, who is a specialist in both comparative economics and Russian and Eastern European studies. Professor Stuart has been traveling, teaching, and learning about these economic systems—in the former Soviet Union, the former Eastern Bloc, China, Scandinavia, and Europe—for more than 30 years. The illuminating 24 lectures of Capitalism vs. Socialism: Comparing Economic Systems will show you the many ways the most influential modern economic theories were developed, how they function (or don't), and how they manage to operate both together and in opposition to each other, from the rise of Soviet communism to the future of the European Union and beyond. As you compare and contrast the many ways societies tackle economic issues, Professor Stuart demonstrates that even the most controversial economic decisions boil down to a deceptively simple question: What makes a good society?
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